Product Updates
- Product Updates
Making recurring payments on Monzo even better
We want to make Monzo the best bank in the world for managing your Direct Debits, standing orders and other regular payments like Netflix or Spotify.
- Product Updates
Custom Monzo app icons on iOS
Today, we’re announcing another new feature in the iOS app that came out of Monzo Time — custom app icons!
- Product Updates
We’re halfway through The Big List! An update
Halfway through, we wanted to reflect on our progress and update you on exactly where we’re at.
- Product Updates
Send money abroad with Monzo and Wise!
We’re incredibly excited to announce today that we’ve teamed up with Wise to provide international money transfers from within your Monzo app!
- Product Updates
Our plans to help you pay in cheques, just by taking a picture
Right now you can deposit cheques into your Monzo account by sending them to us in the post for free. But we’re working on giving you a better way to cash cheques through the app.
- Product Updates
Access your account in an emergency with Monzo Web
If you find yourself without your phone or card you can now do the basics online with Monzo Web.
- Product Updates
Bill Tracker tells you when a regular bill changes
We’ve added a new feature that keeps track of regular Direct Debits (like your phone contract or energy bill) and tells you when one of them's higher of lower than usual.
- Product Updates
Automate your financial life with Monzo and IFTTT
We’ve connected Monzo with the world’s largest automation platform - IFTTT!
- Product Updates
Summary Update - Predicting Committed Spending
We're starting to predict Direct Debits and subscriptions and include them in Summary, to give you better control over your budget.
- Product Updates
We added Travel Reports to Android
Travel Reports are now on Android. We'll let you know the current exchange rate when you arrive, and how much you spent once you're home.
- Product Updates
Just Landed: See your flight details inside your Monzo app
From today, when you use your Monzo card to buy plane tickets, you’ll now see the flight number and booking reference in your feed!
- Product Updates
Making Monzo Work in More Places
Every now and then merchants decline Monzo cards. The vast majority of customers will never experience this, but for those that do, it can be very annoying. Here's how we're working with merchants to fix this.
- Product Updates
No more waiting list!
There's no longer a waiting list to join Monzo! 🎉