Today we’re pleased to announce that there is no longer a waiting list to join Monzo! 🎉
You might remember the waiting list from when you first joined Monzo. We added the waiting list in March 2016, when a lot of the work we did was manual — we were literally posting out every single card ourselves and we couldn’t keep up with the demand. At our peak we sent out over 5,000 cards in one day from the office. That’s a lot of paper cuts!

Thankfully, we’re now able to send out many more cards and so it’s full steam ahead. We’re really excited to remove the waiting list so people can move to Monzo and have access to our features straight away. If a new customer signs up today, their card will be with them the next day!
Golden tickets will be sticking around still, as an easy way for you to invite friends to Monzo and help them get started quickly. We’ll be steadily improving them over the coming months to reflect the lack of waiting list, and hopefully provide other reasons for you to use them.
Now’s the time to get those friends who were put off by the waiting list onboard! Invite them to join Monzo today.