Six weeks ago today we published Making Monzo Better: The Big List, a list of features that we’d heard from customers they needed in order for Monzo to replace their existing bank account.
We committed to fixing them all within three months and now, halfway through, we wanted to reflect on our progress and update you on exactly where we’re at.

Below, we’ve updated details on each of the items that are still to come, and the good news is we’re still expecting to be able to do all of these on time. Plus of course we’ll still be releasing other features that aren’t on this list — like Bill Tracker.
Follow along live!
We have a Twitter account created specifically for this project and people seem to really love it, so check out @makingmonzo where we’re sharing regular behind the scenes updates! We’ll also keep this page up to date as we tick more and more items off the list. You can come back to it anytime using the URL monzo.com/makingmonzo.
The list
{% include big-list.html %}
We'd love to hear what you think over on the community forum! Which feature are you most looking forward to now?