HelpPayments: troubleshootingRefund hasn’t arrived

Refund hasn’t arrived

Refunds take up to 14 days from when the merchant processes it. If you’ve been waiting more than 14 days, please check that the merchant definitely sent the money.

If you need to send an item back to get your refund, the 14 days will only begin once the merchant receives the item.

If the merchant confirms that they've sent the refund and your refund still hasn't arrived after 14 days, please get in touch with:

  1. Proof of the original receipt (screenshot or photo of paper receipt)
  2. Proof you spoke to the merchant (screenshot of the email you sent them)
  3. Optional: proof of cancellation (screenshot if you tried to cancel the order)

We won't be able to help unless you have these and 14 days have passed 🗓️

To create a new dispute request, tap on a transaction in your app, and then scroll to the bottom where you'll see in red text 'Something wrong? Get help'.

On the next screen, scroll until you see the heading that fits your situation best, and then tap 'Dispute this transaction'.

From there you'll be taken into the flow to enter the process for raising a dispute with the merchant with our disputes team.

Getting your car rental or hotel deposit refund

If you're expecting a deposit refund from a car rental company or hotel, it'll take around 30 days.

Need it sooner? Get in touch with proof from the merchant confirming that they plan to refund your deposit.

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