HelpMonzo account and profileChanges to UK card replacement fees

Changes to UK card replacement fees

As of the 31st of October 2020, we’ve introduced a fee for UK card replacements.

If you need to replace your card because you’ve been the victim of fraud, if it’s been stolen, or if it expires we’ll always replace it for free in the UK. But if you need more cards for another reason, we’ll now ask that you pay £5 to cover that cost. Card replacements are an expensive service to provide, and we think it’s fair to ask customers that rely on Monzo less to cover the cost.  (If you have a Premium account and you want to replace a metal card, it costs £50 each time, as that’s how much they cost to make.)

How you're affected

If you’re using Monzo as more of a bank, we think you rely on us more so you’ll get two free card replacements per year, per account. After this we’ll charge you £5 per replacement card delivery. We’ve explained our criteria for what we mean by ‘relying on us’ in the links below.

We’ll keep charging £30 for international card replacements, including for cases of fraud, theft or expiry. This hasn’t changed, but we just wanted to call it out so you’re aware.

You can find out more about this change via our blog post or Fee Information Sheet below.

Please click here to see our blog post that you might find useful

Please click here to see our Fee Information Sheet that you might find useful

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