Monzo Blog
The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.
Loans, the Monzo way
Money in Love: Will & Max
Our lending principles
We had issues with Monzo on 29th July. Here's what happened, and what we did to fix it.
We've added new interest rates for Savings Pots!
What do I need to set up a Monzo account?
14 of our favourite features that will help you get the most out of Monzo
We’ve fixed an issue that meant we weren’t storing some customers’ PINs correctly
How to avoid paying more when you get out cash on holiday
How do I get a Monzo account?
Meet the Saving Squad: Bekki
What is the August No Spend Challenge and how can you start it?
Money in Love: “My ex racked up £6,000 of debt in my name”