Monzo Blog
The latest updates, stories, ideas and guides from the Monzo team.
You now only need £10 to open a Monzo Savings Pot
Money in Love: Michael and Dan
Take the 'No Spendtember' Challenge and cut out spending on things you don't really need
Why over-paying your student loan could end up costing you more
Is Monzo a debit card?
Monzo Plus – you asked us to make it simpler, so we’ve created bundles
Why we ask you to take a video selfie when you sign up for Monzo
How to open a Monzo account
Introducing Strong Customer Authentication: What you need to know
Money in love: Craig & Nichola
What's the first thing you spend on when you get paid? We asked and you answered.
Get your student loan a day before your friends do
Monzo now lets you get paid a day early, for free