Here is a list of services that your bank should not be charging for. Developed by Monzo, all these features are now available for free.
1. Free international payments
Yes, you heard it right! With Monzo, foreign payments will be charged at the Mastercard rate, with no extra fees on our side.

2. Tracking your spending
The next generation of banks should help you better manage your finances. Being able to collect data from thousands of merchants means banking customers can now see their spending by category and by month.

You may then even set targets based on your spending in the previous month.
3. Instantly freezing (or unfreezing) your card
Scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated. However, on many occasions simple features on your banking app can save your money from being lost or stolen. For example, you may be interested in this feature which allows you to instantly freeze your bank card in just one click:

4. Sending money to friends with a single swipe
You want your friends to pay you back for a dinner. Message them and have the money sent directly to your account with a link.
First, create your own link.

Then, get paid. Easy!

Want to give it a try? Applying for an account is free. You may also want to look at the great reviews on Facebook!
We’re on a mission to build the best bank in the world. Founded in 2015, Monzo is a mobile led banking app built to make managing your day to day finances as simple ordering a pizza or a taxi. Enjoy instant spending notifications, FX free spending abroad and tools to help you set budgets.