HelpPayments: getting startedPaying someone whose details don’t match the account you’re trying to pay

Paying someone whose details don’t match the account you’re trying to pay

When you make a bank transfer with Monzo, we check that the account holder name you type in matches the name on the account. This name-checking service is called ‘Confirmation of Payee’, and it’s a way to make sure you’re paying the right person.

We’ll let you know if the name of the account holder or account type doesn’t match. Sometimes it can be a small mistake – like typing ‘Freddie’ instead of ‘Fred’. But in some cases, the account holder might be a fraudster and could be hiding their identity under a fake name.

If the account details you entered don’t match, make sure you know the person you’re paying. Here’s some useful advice on how to spot a scam.

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