HelpThe legal stuffMonzo's US subsidiary and GDPR

Monzo's US subsidiary and GDPR

We comply with GDPR and always use appropriate safeguards to make sure your data is protected to EU standards. There's a contract in place with our US Subsidiary that adds our obligations under GDPR into our agreement.

Your in-app chat may be seen by some US employees, but it will still be covered under the Monzo UK security environment. All US employees are trained to the same standards as our UK employees about how to protect your data.

At the moment, we don’t host any UK customer data in the US at all – it's all stored in the UK. All our workers use web-based tools to access customer data and customer data never routinely leaves these tools.

US staff work from these same web tools that are hosted in the UK, and all of our usual security measures apply – including encryption and two factor authentication for staff before they can access these tools.

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