HelpPots, budgeting and savingHow the Summary dial works

How the Summary dial works

The Summary dial shows the amount of money you have to spend in a month. It compares how much you have left with the amount of time until you next get paid.

The amount you have to spend is calculated by subtracting your scheduled bank transfers and Pots movements from your total income.

For example:

  • You start the month with £2000
  • You have £1000 of scheduled payments during the month
  • You put £200 into Pots during the month
  • This results in £800 total left to spend, which is shown in the dial
  • How much of £800 remains determines how much of the dial is filled in
  • The app shows warnings if you're spending money too quickly and might run out before the month's over

To find your Summary, tap the Home icon in the menu bar of your app, then tap the bar chart icon at the top right of the screen.

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