HelpPots, budgeting and savingArchived Pots

Archived Pots

We've made it possible to view, download statements or "unarchive" (re-open) your archived Pots!

Archived Pots allows you to:

  1. View a complete list of Pots you have archived
  2. Download statements for archived Pots
  3. 'Unarchive' (or re-open) Regular Pots

To view your Archive Pots:

  • Head to the Home screen
  • Tap on your profile picture at the top left to open to your Accounts list.
  • Then tap the ‘Edit’ icon in the top right, you’ll see ‘Archived Pots’ at the bottom of the next screen.
  • Tap the three dots to see the options to download a statement or unarchive your Pot.

You aren't able to unarchive Savings Pots, but you can always open a new one, if you want to.

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