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Travelling with Monzo

Spend with your Monzo card anywhere in the world, for free. We don't add any fees to the exchange rate and you don't need to tell us in advance.

Free to spend

Pay in shops, restaurants and online, anywhere in the world and in any currency, with no fees.

We pass Mastercard's exchange rate directly on to you, and don't add fees or additional charges.

Cash withdrawals abroad

It costs Monzo money every time you withdraw cash abroad, so we introduced some limits after a vote by our customers.

Withdrawals from an ATM are fee-free in the European Economic Area (EEA). For other countries, you can take out £200 for free every 30 days. After that, we’ll charge you 3%. You can see a full list of EEA countries here.

We only aim to cover our costs, and don't make a profit from these charges.

Travel reports

Just landed? We'll let you know what the current exchange rate is, give you tips on travelling with your Monzo card in that country and let you automatically categorise transactions as holidays or expenses while you're abroad.

When you arrive back home, find out exactly how much you spent.

No need to tell us

There's no need to tell us every time you go abroad.

We won't block your card and leave you stranded, without a way to pay.

Just go and enjoy yourself, we'll take care of the rest!

Common questions

What’s the Monzo exchange rate?

We believe that spending abroad should be straightforward, with no unexpected fees.

When you use your Monzo card abroad (or online in a foreign currency), we pass on the Mastercard exchange rate, without adding any fees.

You can use your Monzo card anywhere that supports Mastercard.

Where can I get more information on using Monzo abroad?

Our fantastic community have shared their tips for travelling with Monzo on our forum.

Check out their travel guides, and share your own experiences!