StepChange - What If campaign / There are lots of people who’ve been financially hit by coronavirus. Some may have lost their jobs, and many have had to deal with a reduced income. StepChange is running an autumn campaign which aims to raise awareness of its Debt Charity and how it can help to turn those ‘what if’ questions into ‘what to do next’. Monzo is supporting StepChange by sharing its campaign across different channels.
- StepChange - What If campaign
What if I get made redundant?
Coronavirus is affecting people’s lives up and down the country, particularly our finances. We've asked StepChange Debt Charity for their top tips on taking back control of your finances in a year where so many of us desperately need help.
- StepChange - What If campaign
How to cope with being self-employed or working in the gig economy during Covid-19
During the Covid-19 crisis many people have been struggling with self-employment and gig economy work. However, whether you need budgeting support or help with a debt problem, there is support available.
- StepChange - What If campaign
How to cope with reduced work hours
If your hours have been reduced or you’re worried they might be, it’s a good idea to make a plan and think about how you’ll cope financially. We've asked StepChange for their top tips on how to cope with reduced work hours.