When we started Monzo, we wanted to build something better than existing banks. Our tagline on the homepage for a while was “the best current account in the world”. Even now, it’s “the bank of the future”.
But we’re not there yet.
Even though we’re offering current accounts to everyone with features like Direct Debits, standing orders, overdrafts, the Current Account Switch Service, Monzo business accounts and much more, we’ve been hearing from customers that we’ve missed some of the basics.
These are areas where Monzo just isn’t as good as other banks — when we should be significantly better. We’ve heard about these everywhere, across Twitter, our community forum, in person at events and in direct emails.
We’re committing to improving and fixing everything on this list over the next three months. We’ll be working on this alongside new features (like Labs and Nearby Friends), because we also want to keep doing things that delight customers.
Thank you to everyone who’s given us feedback on these. If it wasn’t for our community, we wouldn’t have prioritised these things correctly and your voices have forced us to reconsider our approach and take an alternative route.

Follow along live!
We’re going to take transparency to the next level here and let you follow along as we fix the list below — we have a brand new Twitter account @makingmonzo, where we’ll be sharing regular behind the scenes updates on where we’re at! We’ll also keep this page up to date as we tick more and more items off the list and you can return to it anytime using the URL monzo.com/makingmonzo.
Until last Thursday, the feature at the very top of this list was Apple Pay. We’re so excited to have launched Apple Pay to all of our customers and now we can get cracking on all of the others on the list!
There are a few specific features that aren’t on this list, but we know we still need to do. Things like cash deposits and paying in cheques with a photo are going to take longer than three months — we’ll be publishing updates about them over the coming weeks to outline our plans though!
We'd love to hear what you think over on the community forum! Which feature are you most looking forward to?