Just over 3 months ago, we turned off golden tickets and it’s been a long old wait without them. They’re the perfect way to bring your friends to Monzo — a link you send that lets them instantly skip the waiting list and create a Monzo account. In the words of one famous golden ticket user, “In your wildest dreams you can not imagine the marvelous surprises that await you!”
Today, we’re bringing them back! As long as you’ve upgraded your account, you should receive a new golden ticket in the next few days. You'll find them in your feed, or under the Payments tab in your app on iOS.

Just tap on the big blue button and send it to a friend through your favourite messaging app. All they need to do is tap on the link, enter their email and download the Monzo app and they’ll be good to go 🎉
2018 is shaping up to be an exciting year for us here at Monzo and we can’t wait to show you what we have in store. Get your friends onboard to help us build the future of banking together!